Associate Member

IMCSE Associate Member
Payment Instructions
  1. Fill in the form.
  2. Click ‘Apply now’.
  3. Review your details.
  4. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’.
  5. Fill in your billing details
  6. Select your payment method.
  7. Click ‘Place order’.
Please Note
  1. You will be notified that your application has been received within 72 hours of IMCSE receiving it.
  2. Applications may take up to 3 weeks to process.
  3. You will be advised of your successful application and provided with your Member LOGIN by email.
  4. In the event of an application for Member level entry not being granted on the grounds of insufficient training, education or experience you will be granted Associate Membership while Membership qualification requirements are accrued.
  5. Your e-Membership Certificate will be emailed and your Membership Card posted within one week of your successful application being confirmed.
  6. In the event of neither an application for Member nor Associate Member level entry being approved the application fee is not refundable.
  7. 12 months from the date of a successful application you will be required to pay the annual subscription fee and thereafter annually.
  • Application Fee – £60
  • Annual Subscription Fee – £60 commencing 12 months after successful application and thereafter annually.

Your Contact Details

Address we can use to send you your new Membership Card & Certificate

Address *(Required)

Professional/Academic Qualifications

Professional/Academic Qualifications Attached?(Required)

Formal Training

Formal Training Evidence Attached?(Required)

Practical Experience

Practical Experience Evidence Attached?(Required)

Nominee & Referees

Applications require one Nominee and one Referee, OR two Referees. Note: A nominee is a current Member of IMCSE; a referee is a person of standing within the munition clearance or search sector with a minimum of 5 years management experience. NOTE: Member & Associate Member applicants who are included in a Corporate Membership bundle do not require a Nominee or Referees however must insert the name of the Corporate entity in the Referee box.


I hereby apply for Individual membership of the Institute of Munitions Clearance and Search Engineer and if successful, undertake to comply with the conditions prescribed by the Council. I declare all my responses to be correct and understand that any attempt to mislead will result in non acceptance by, or removal from the IMCSE.
Membership details will be published in the Membership List *(Required)
DO YOU WANT your details published?


Please scan and upload the following documents:
  • Digital Passport Photo
  • Evidence of professional/academic qualifications
  • Evidence of formal training
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, Max. file size: 32 MB.
You may upload one multi-page document here.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, Max. file size: 32 MB.
You may upload one multi-page document here.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, Max. file size: 32 MB.
You may upload one multi-page document here.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Note: Documents not in English require a certified English language translation.
