President’s Welcome

President, IMCSE
Welcome to IMCSE,
We live in difficult times; conflict, disease, starvation, climate change, environmental degradation and a lack of sufficient critical national infrastructure impact on us all whether directly or indirectly. Money is tight for the majority of us and we have to ensure that what we have is wisely spent.
On a regular basis you receive requests for you to spend your hard earned cash from many worthy charities and organisations seeking to address local, national and international issues. I am adding to those requests by now asking you to consider joining the Institute of Munition Clearance & Search Engineers (IMCSE) and you will rightly question why you should and what you gain in return.
When IMCSE was established back in 1998 munition clearance and search engineers were routinely engaged in reducing the threat of legacy land and sea mines, bombs, rockets, missiles and weapons of mass destruction. International conflicts of varying scale continued but there was a belief that with greater global co-operation and international monitoring organisations the level of threat posed by munitions and other sources of harm was on a downward trajectory. Events and threat evolution in the intervening period demonstrate that our profession will face ongoing demands for the foreseeable future.
IMCSE first and foremost represents a home for our community, namely those who have a professional interest in munition clearance, demining, CMD, EOD, IEDD, CWD, WMDD, Search and Weapons Inspection whether as a practitioner, trainer, researcher, developer or manufacturer. Membership accords you the MIMCSE post nominals which provide recognition as an individual who has gained membership of a representative professional body through validation of your training and experience; this is a powerful tool. Additionally you will have access to people and information that will aid your continuous professional development, enhance your employability and alert you to opportunities and requirements.
For those with a genuine interest in our profession who perhaps do not have the necessary training and experience to gain full membership we welcome you as Associate Members; and organisations engaged in the training, education, research, development and manufacture, upon which our Membership is dependent, we encourage your direct engagement in IMCSE as a Corporate Member.